FMH Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Dr. med. Michael Bischofberger

FMH Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Dr. med. Michael Bischofberger

Professional activity

Since 2005 owner of Arztpraxis für Frauen und Kinder, Gynaecology and Paediatrics in Zumikon
Belegarzt für Pädiatrie und Neonatologie in der Privatklinik Bethanien


  • Further training in anaesthesia and surgery incl. paediatric surgery
  • Several years of further training as a paediatrician at the Zurich Children's Hospital with neonatology, developmental paediatrics and intensive care medicine
  • Certificate of competence in hip ultrasound in newborns
Dr. med. Nina Lettner

Mon-Fri 8.30-12.00, 13.00-16.30
Wednesday afternoon closed

+41 43 288 06 80

Dr. med. Michael Bischofberger

Mon-Fri 8.00-11.30, 14.00-16.30
Thursday afternoon closed
Sat emergencies only: 11.00-14.00

Saturday opening hours winter

+41 43 288 07 80

Dates & Medication
You are welcome to pick upt medication from our practice pharmacy!
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